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Replacement of hook

From € 3,22

ENG: Change of your hook on the FC Spinner - does your spinner need a new hook - then is it possible to renew it now! Also if you want to change it into another hook - for example for Skjern River.
With this service, the wire will be replaced and the spinner will be refreshed with new oil and put into a small zipper-bag

The FC Spinner is mounted as a standard with the following hook sizes:
#2 Eagle claw or #4 Owner:
Upstream 16,20g, Downstream 19,25g & Bullet
#4 Owner:
Upstream 12, Downstream 14g, Compact 13,16 & 22g
#8 Owner:
Upstream 9 & Compact 7g
Skjern Å Special

Please send the spinners to the following adress:
FC Spinner ApS
Præsteskovvej 4
6630 Rødding


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